Jumat, 27 Juni 2014

A middle-aged woman, visiting the doctor,

A middle-aged woman, visiting the doctor, "Doc," he said, "my husband earned his goods, can not be 'erection' at all." Behind Doctor asked, "Have you tried 'Viagra'?
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     "All right, then I give you a bottle of pills. So that your husband does not know, enter one of these pills on a coffee or a meal, during the meal, and wait, what's going on." said the doctor. A few days later, she came over and shouted.

     "Doc, I return these dangerous goods." he said as he threw a bottle of Viagra.

     "Loh ... why? I think this is what you need." said the doctor.

     "Well ... of course I need an intimate relationship, but, I have put these pills dikopinya, having taken 15 minutes later, he immediately menelantangkan me over the kitchen table, then let go of my clothes and memcumbuiku many times."

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     Nita: "What do you like when you notice your husband's face again ML?"
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Sabtu, 21 Juni 2014

Pilocarpine injection, Wonder Athympanicum.

Ulcer Pilocarpine injection, Wonder Athympanicum.

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Each region has its own cattle culture, the culture of South Central Timor, in the case of cattle raising, which examined general population still has a tendency to release any animals they domesticated livestock daisies during the day. [13] Similarly, in the Moluccas, the field of animal husbandry has not into a field that is occupied by the public.
Jadwal Bola[14] There is only the usual farms in the absence of a particular system. [14] In general, the types of livestock were raised, such as: goats, chickens and ducks. The animals are allowed to roam freely without cages. [14] In Lampung, farm animals allowed to roam freely, and after a couple of years later, they were arrested and put into a cage, counted and marked number belongs to his body. [15] See also Chicken care intensively reared has little difference with the traditional way of chicken care. In addition to requiring extra attention also feeding problems should be regulated. Maintaining intensive chicken has forte, which is much easier to control the disease.
To be in the cultivation of super intensive chicken can be successful, required management and governance are good and true. There are several factors that determine the success of cultivation of intensive chicken. Factors considered important in the cultivation of intensive chicken, among others: A. SELECTION BREEDING OF CHICKEN VILLAGE Seed chicken or better known as the DOC is important to note. If the purpose of maintenance is taken for the purpose of chicken meat, then choose the DOC of chicken breeds are big and rapid growth priority. Additionally seed chicken hatching time (DOC) must be timely (21 days) is not too fast or too long.
The characteristics of the DOC that have good quality, among others, stand upright, healthy and not disabled, eyes shining, perfectly absorbed navel, fur clean and shiny. Do not forget to provide age-appropriate vaccinations DOC.
A. PROBLEM IN CHICKEN FEED VILLAGE Feed the chicken plays a fairly important in determining the growth of chicken. However to actually feed chicken to chicken feed is not as complicated as others such as broilers, laying hens and others. Feed ingredients that can be pro
Judi Bola Onlinevided include: concentrate, rice bran, corn. In addition to the food manufacturers can also be given as an alternative feed the rest of the kitchen / shop, bakery BS, crushed instant noodles, vermicelli BS, and so forth. The alternate feed enough so that the production could save biaaya chicken business profits can increase.

Jumat, 13 Juni 2014

Xuubeey inta badan ka xumaaday ayaa si

Xuubeey inta badan ka xumaaday ayaa si aad u aragto shax dheriga marka hore noqon ubaxyada ubax ku dadaala at dhan. Maxaa weli ah waa baadiyaha ka horyimaada. Gaar ahaan haddii cayayaan iyo cudur bilaabay in ay weeraraan, muuqaalka berantakanlah ee geedka ka. Tallaabooyin dhowr ah u baahan in la sameeyo si ay mar kale ubax.


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Beerto-aadanku guud ahaan ma aha wax dhib. Waxa kaliya oo uu u baahan yahay daaweyn gaar ah, gaar ahaan manjooyin waa mid ka mid ah furayaasha amaahiyaan-aadanku. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, dhammaan ka soo haray uu ka yimid iyo sida-aadanku beerto oofinta laftiisa ku habboon.


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Rose doonayo ciidda ah iyo sidoo kale waadna heensatay. Sidaas darteed, soo fuliyaan, dhexdhexaad ah beeritaanka waa in ay ahaataa humus ciidda dabacsan oo hodan ah ama arrinta organic. Resistance waraabiyo wanaagsan, laakiin ma heli daadadku. Wuxuu liked ciidda ka yara dhanaanaaday ama leh pH ah 6 ilaa 6.8. Wixii beerto oo dheryay ku, warbaahinta carrada loo isticmaalo, digada xoolaha, ama compost iyo ciid in saamiga 1: 1: 1 Marka la isticmaalayo warbaahinta Super TW Plus ciidda ku filan isku qasan oo cabirku yahay 1:.. 6 Weelasha yihiin labada sameeyey dhulka iyo ma rinji. Rakibaa salka ku darnaa marmarka jabay ama dhuxusha 1 cm qaro weyn ilaa saddexaad ee Dheriga.

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Rabu, 11 Juni 2014

Somaliya kadib setelayt

Somaliya kadib setelaytDisc ama bokoran waa goobo la leh gacan ka mid ah 1.0 1.5 mitir ku hareereysan geed geedka. Disc wuxuu ka kooban yahay iyo loo dayactiro inaad nadiifiso ka soo haramaha si loo fududeeyo hirgelinta hawlaha kala duwan ee daryeelka dhirta timirta ahBUNDAPOKER.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA  saliid.
Qybtaas of saxan ama bokoran asalka ahaa oo keliya ku saabsan 60cm si tartiib tartiib ah ku ballaadhisay in ay 1.5 mitir waafaqsan da'da geedka. Samaynta saxanka tani waa waxa ugu muhiimsan waa in la nadiifiya haramaha in koraan ku wareegsan geedaha timirta ah saliidda dhirta. Dayactirka waxaa la samayn karaa leh disc dikored, yeero, ama lagu buufiyay shuruudaha, sida ka hor bacrinta.
3. Xeebeedka Geedaha Selac
Intercrops Abuuritaan ama dalagga cover of dalka ka leexsan meeshii saliid oo timir ah, waa in si fiican loo hagaajiyaa si aan si dhibi ama mabda 'waxyeelo, kuwaas oo geedaha timireed, saliid.
Plant si caadi ah sida dhirta loo isticmaalo waa warshad oo ka nuts maqan. Si loo go'aamiyo nooca digirta in loo isticmaali doonaa sida intercrops waa inay tixgeliyaan arrimo war, gobolka oo dalkii, beerto, bacriminta ciidda, tamarta, iyo kuwa kale.
Laba shay muhiim u yihiin in tani ay tahay in ay beero u dhexeeya farsamooyinka beerto iyo waqtiga ay helaan faa'iidooyin wanaagsan loogu talagalay horumarinta iyo wax soo saarka ee bilowga ah si fiican. Peting waxyaabo kale oo ka mid ah geedaha ku habboon xaaladaha ciidda, farcan u diyaarinta, iyo miraha abuurka. Inta u dhaxaysa geedaha waa hore u qarinayaan ee ciidda at beerto time dalkii la kumeen ahaa oo timir saliid.

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No ciidda dhaawac jireed, note muhiim ah waxaa loo isticmaalaa marka daboolka dhulka dabiiciga ah dhirta.
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4. Control haramaha
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Senin, 09 Juni 2014

More than that, through co-operative schools, teachers

More than that, through co-operative schools, teachers and Seasonbet77 Agen Bola Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET-IBCBET Sambut Piala Dunia 2014students also produce processed foods made from crop cultivation in the area of ​​the school. Nuggets and ice cream made from oyster mushrooms are among the refined products produced. The products are sold through a cooperative school. Pupils and parents often buy so terkumpullah benefits for schools to Rp15 million. Money is constantly rotated to produce nuggets and ice cream for sale, not only to students and parents, but also when there eventpameran.
"Green house in a school used as a center for the cultivation of mushrooms and other plants. Every day these fungi are always harvested. Not long ago the harvest, produce 23 kg of oyster mushrooms. In addition to the mushrooms are sold to teachers and students, there are also used as nuggets and ice cream, "said Sumarlan, head of SMP 28. Former head of SMP 16 is also thought to register nuggets and ice cream mold products schoolgirl in the Tongue Wetan Village, District Lakarsantri this . Inovasinuggetdaneskrimini not escape from Diyamah figure. She is a biology teacher.
"All mushrooms baglog only tens, hundreds. In order for the crop fungus is not in vain, we olahmenjadinuggetdaneskrim. Nugget did not use flavoring, while the ice cream is also not using the catalyst, "said the woman from Bojonegoro. During the making nuggets and ice cream, teachers use their spare time in between teaching. Even though the students, utilizing recess. "Quite often when teaching me and other teachers telponan to turn off the stove in the kitchen school," said Diyamah as he chuckled.

MASTERPOKER88.COM JUDI POKER ONLINE UANG ASLI INDONESIA RESMI DAN TERPERCAYAWays of making nuggets and ice cream is not complicated. To nuggets, mushrooms previously included in boiling water in a blender and mashed with spices, carrots, pepper, garlic, salt, cornstarch, eggs, and flour. Ice cream making almost the same, put mushrooms in boiling water, then use a blender dilumerkan mixed with milk, sugar, and other ingredients. Not to forget the taste, there was strawberry, vanilla, chocolate, and more.
Ice cream is so stored in the refrigerator in the principal's office. No wonder the school during recess there are plenty of students lining up to buy ice cream. "If the nuggets are sold in the school canteen. Rp2500 per cup of ice cream, nuggets Rp2 thousand to three pieces, "continued Diyamah. Ice cream and mushroom nuggets are innovative teachers and students the umpteenth time. Previously, they also make nata de aloe. Nata meat-based aloe vera plant.
"In fact, a number of foreign students who had come to Surabaya. Work and school efforts also make the students proud. Especially those who are members of the task force green house. Nisrina Zurikha, Talitha Puspa, Octavia, Ayu Um, Revangga are the names of students who lined up in the working group.
"Glad to be joined to make ice cream and nuggets. Each time there is
Kakakdewa.com Agen Judi Bola Resmi Taruhan Judi online Terpercayaan exhibition, this product is displayed. The hope does not only sold in school, but can be sold to the public, "please Nisrina.   Soeprayitno